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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Related Entities

There are many players involved in the procurement cycle and each has a different role and jurisdiction over procurement activities. Below is a brief description of each and the role they play. To learn more, click on the associated link.

Auditor General
According to the Illinois Blue Book, "The Office of the Auditor General was established to provide useful, timely information to the General Assembly for legislative oversight of the obligation, receipt, expenditure and use of public funds and the operations of Illinois Government. This function is performed through comprehensive audit and evaluation of the operations and performance of State agencies and programs to determine conformity with fiscal requirements, legislative intent, and statutory mandates and prohibitions."

Executive Ethics Commission
The EEC is a nine member commission that promotes ethics in public service. Its purpose is to help ensure that State business is conducted with fairness and integrity.

The Commission's duties include: conducting administrative hearings on alleged violations of the Ethics Act, preparing public information materials to facilitate compliance with ethics laws, providing guidance to ethics officers, receiving reports of activity from Executive Inspectors General and reports of ex parte communications from ethics officers. The Commission also oversees annual ethics training for all employees of the executive branch of State Government. Under certain circumstances, the Commission may appoint a Special Executive Inspector General to investigate alleged misconduct.

Executive Inspector General
The Office of Executive Inspector General ("OEIG") for Agencies of the Illinois Governor is an independent State agency dedicated to ensuring accountability in State government. The OEIG receives and fairly investigates complaints of fraud, waste, abuse and misconduct, and recommends corrective action. In addition, the OEIG promotes and coordinates the State's ethics trainings for universities and Governor's agencies.

Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR)
The Joint Committee on Administrative Rules is a legislative body made up of members of the General Assembly. The Committee reviews and comments on new and existing rulemaking and alerts agencies to legislation that requires new rulemaking.

Procurement Policy Board (PPB)
The PPB has several functions that impact procurement.

Rules and Policies: The Board has the authority and responsibility to review, comment upon, and recommend, consistent with the Procurement Code, rules and practices governing the procurement, management, control, and disposal of supplies, services, professional and artistic services, construction and real property and capital improvement leases procured by the State.

Proposed Contract Review: Pursuant to Section 5-30 of the Illinois Procurement Code, no contract procured above the small purchase limit may be executed until 30 days after notice of its award or letting appears in the Procurement Bulletin without the Procurement Policy Board having the opportunity to review the proposed contract. The contracting agency may request, and the Board may agree to waive the 30-day period as necessary.

Clearinghouse: The Procurement Policy Board operates a searchable Clearinghouse of proposed contracts. The database contains the names of persons or businesses contracted with, the estimated contract price, the service or good being supplied, the purchasing agency or university, and the date first offered or announced. A reference number will guide the user to the full transaction posted on the appropriate Procurement Bulletin.

State Comptroller
The Comptroller reviews certain contracts to ensure they meet the requirements of applicable law before making payments associated with that contract.

By law (30 ILCS 500/20-80 (d)), Vendors shall not be paid for any goods received or services rendered before the contract was reduced to writing and signed by all necessary parties. A CPO may request an exception to this provision by submitting a request to the Comptroller and Treasurer. The waiver must be approved by both the Comptroller and the Treasurer before payment will be made.

State Treasurer
By law (30 ILCS 500/20-80 (d)), Vendors shall not be paid for any goods received or services rendered before the contract was reduced to writing and signed by all necessary parties. A CPO may request an exception to this provision by submitting a request to the Comptroller and Treasurer. The waiver must be approved by both the Comptroller and the Treasurer before payment will be made.

University Purchasing Offices
Each university employs one or more university purchasing directors and professional staff to manage and implement within the university setting the procurement process in accordance with direction from the CPO and SPO​